Wednesday, May 27, 2015

doing the work of raising sweet puppies

Don't know if you've ever been bitten in the face but I HAVE.  Once by a dog when I was a kid (not bad) but I just was bitten in the lip by a 6 week old puppy.  Its part of their training actually...they need to be taught not to bite or play rough with people's faces.  And that involves letting them try!  So I put my face down on their level, love on them and suddenly one jumps up and nips me on the lip or nose and I scold with my voice either by a "EEEAAANNN"  or "SSSHHH" noise.  Both if done with sharpness are quite stunning and the offender usually settles right down and licks instead.  Of course it takes many tries to get the point across and some pups are more prone to hard play.  It takes nerve on my part after having my nose pierced by sharp little teeth!!

Took these just now out playing in the yard right before it rained and we came in....


  1. Boomer Jr is to cute! Are you keeping these guys, or do they have homes?
    Kristi aka Delilah's momma

    1. thanks Kristi!! I started advertising them Tuesday and have one person coming to look Saturday....both are available---I won't keep any for a while.

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. I'm such a newbie I commented in the wrong place and had to delete it.....k

  4. I so want Boomer. I should probably have one of his boys ya know lol!

  5. Ps I'm new to this too! Didn't even know you had responded until now!!
