Friday, December 25, 2015

Merry Christmas!!!

Blackie---my mischievous horse.

Little lone girl went to her family just before the 25th and they sent a lovely picture of her with one of the children....such a sweet home.  They were a repeat home, had a puppy years ago from us.  That's my favorite home for a puppy!!  She had such a precious spirit and was so loving.  

  Looks like Vanilla is pregnant.  We saw a few little "dots" on the ultrasound and will prepare for puppies due in January.  Hopefully the weather will be more seasonal than the 80's we are in now.  All the dogs have thick coats now even though the hair is short and today, all tongues are out!   Her first due date is Jan. 15th and her last date is Jan. 22nd.  She is sleeping here on the cool kitchen floor all stretched out and I see her belly is much much bigger.   Hoping for a better outcome than the last litter with a c-section.  She should deliver naturally this time.  Again, Merry Christmas!  Kristina

PS.  Posting some wintry pictures to get me in the mood....
 My old girl, long gone, Sugar.
 Snow at night.
 Salty when she was just a pup.
 Gypsy's first snow.
 Same day with Vanilla--both of these girls were just teenagers!

 Our other horse, Pandora
 All we need is a sled...
 Salty and her pup, Vanilla
 Max in a bad mood 'cause it snowed overnight.
 A little puppy we had several years ago---her name now is Seaweed.
 Spicey was eating snow.
 The morning after a big snow.
 Puppies having fun in the snow.

Beautiful tree all dressed up!