Tuesday, October 25, 2016

Combined & confused

So today we combined the litters from Vanilla and Little.  Both mothers are fine with being around each other but of course Little is totally confused.  She keeps heading down the hall and just sitting in the empty pool still in my bedroom.  Now she has resigned to sitting with the bunch and Vanilla is not having any interest in being with the puppies.  She may change her mind when she's away from them for a while and fills with milk!

Thursday, October 20, 2016

Hurricane Matthew

No postings in a while...
I guess most of you who read this were probably impacted by the hurricane that went through the South.  We lost power that Saturday evening when  hurricane Matthew hit us.  We went through the entire day without any loss of power as the storm surged but once about 12+ inches of rain had fallen powerlines started to fail as trees became uprooted and fell on them.  The biggest problem we had besides no power was the flooding.  We are surrounded by rivers here on the roads to and from our home.  Going to any town near us became impossible since the water quickly overtook the bridges and washed out roads.  
Boykin Bridge Road to Clinton

 In some places the power lines were down where water was so deep they couldn't get in to even look at the damage so we knew power being restored would take a few days ...at least until the water receded.   So I of course had two fairly new litters to take care of and no power, no hot water, and tons of work at the farm to take care of also!    Fortunately I had plenty of dog food.  We did the best we could and only lost one puppy...laid on in the dark late one night.  
210  to Garland
 Thankfully the weather was beautiful during the day and just comfortable with the windows open each night .  
242 to Roseboro
 We got our power back on Tuesday afternoon about 6:30...I felt like I had stepped into a suddenly modern world.  Tons of blankets and towels to wash, dishes, and floors to mop. Wednesday I felt (secure enough) that it was time we packed up all the little candles and battery powered lamps we had strategically positioned all over the house.  What a relief!
water rushes over the bridge to Roseboro
The roads are almost all open --just a few places you still see detour signs where they are working on bridges but surely there will be more as inspections take place in the next few weeks.  

Now the pups are 3 & 4 weeks old each its starting to get pretty fun but messy.  The 4 week olds (Vanilla's) are eating puppy food now and in the kitchen so they can use paper to do their business on and have a clean place to sleep.  The 3 week puppies (Little's) are still in my room in the pool but will make the move this weekend.  They are MUCH bigger than Vanilla's puppies, but still no teeth.  Vanilla has one puppy that just weighs 1 lb!  

Little Zeus...1lb pup fits in the palm of your hand