Monday, April 20, 2015

Getting bigger

So the little pups almost have their eyes open.  They wiggle so much but I tried to get some up close photos anyway so you can see their eyes peeping...

You can see it on little Boom Boom best

The spotted one's eye patches are too dark to see his eyes.


  1. Beautiful pups Kristina. Is the black and white puppy still available?

    1. Sorry George! I just saw this comment today when I saw one had ever commented before you did and I didn't know where to look for it. He IS still available. I just started advertising them Tuesday and I have one person coming to look Saturday....

    2. Sorry George! I just saw this comment today when I saw one had ever commented before you did and I didn't know where to look for it. He IS still available. I just started advertising them Tuesday and I have one person coming to look Saturday....
